Breakthrough Swift microwave therapy for treating stubborn verrucae

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What is Swift?

Swift verruca treatment is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licensed for the general treatment of verrucas and warts in podiatry. This new treatment is particularly effective when used on stubborn warts and verrucas. Microwaves have been used clinically for over 30 years.

Swift uses microwave energy delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected verruca tissue. Microwaves work by generating heat in the verruca tissue, focussed under the probe, to a maximum depth of 5mm.

You can visit our surgery in Falkirk.

Benefits of Swift verruca removal:

  • The most effective treatment available to remove stubborn verrucas
  • Hassle-free and safe
  • Fast treatment time
  • Does not use needles, scalpels or chemicals No anaesthetic required
  • No downtime and does not impact on lifestyle
  • The treatment only takes a few seconds
  • Patients usually do not require post-procedural dressings
Find out more about effective verruca treatment from Swift at treatverruca.com

Frequently asked questions by patients considering Swift microwave therapy

Does it hurt?
Like many treatments for skin lesions, some minor discomfort may be experienced. Before treatment your podiatrist or dermatologist may decide to reduce the lesion with a blade. Pain levels vary from person to person but most people undergoing Swift liken it to a pain similar to an injection or a scratch, lasting 2-3 seconds and then quickly subsiding.

What can I do after treatment?
In some cases, the treated area may feel sore but will not prevent you undertaking normal daily activities.

How many treatments will I need?
This is dependent on how you respond to the treatment. In some cases, you may need more than one treatment (these can be from 14 days to over a month apart depending on the response). Your Podiatrist will be able to discuss this with you.
Is a verruca causing you pain or embarrassment? For Swift verruca removal and treatment, call Grant Chiropody and Podiatry in Falkirk and Bo'ness.
Falkirk: 01324 621 809 Bo'ness: 01506 826 286 First For Footcare: 01324 631 000
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